Settlement Information

Plaintiffs are former Healthy Spot customers whose dogs were killed and/or injured during grooming at Healthy Spot. The Action accuses Healthy Spot of violations of: (1) The Consumers Legal Remedies Act; (2) The Unfair Competition Law; and (3) California Business and Professions Code, as well as for alleged breaches of express warranty and negligent misrepresentations. Plaintiffs’ complaint includes allegations of animal abuse resulting in injuries to dogs during grooming at Healthy Spot, including death. Plaintiffs’ claims also include allegations that Healthy Spot misrepresented the skill and training of its employees and the safety standards used during grooming, and that as a result dogs were abused and/or injured during the grooming sessions. Healthy Spot strongly denies Plaintiffs’ claims and denies that it violated any laws or intentionally injured or abused any animal.

Who Is a Class Member?

The Settlement Class includes all Healthy Spot customers whose dogs were harmed and/or killed at any of the 20 Healthy Spot locations in California between July 2018 and July 2021, and on May 6, 2022, which includes the following subclasses: (1) death; (2) Severe Injuries; and (3) Minor Injuries.

Your Legal Rights and Options

Option and Deadline

Your Legal Rights

Do Nothing

no deadline

You don’t have to do anything to participate in the Settlement. If you do nothing, you will be a Participating Class Member, eligible for an Individual Class Payment. In exchange, you will give up your right to assert the claims against Healthy Spot that are covered by this Settlement (“Released Claims”).


by December 3, 2024

If you don’t want to fully participate in the proposed Settlement, you can opt-out of the Class Settlement by sending the Administrator a written Request for Exclusion. Once excluded, you will be a Non-Participating Class Member and no longer eligible for an Individual Class Payment. Non-Participating Class Members cannot object to any portion of the proposed Settlement. See Section 6 of the Class Notice or FAQ 6.

Challenge the Class Category

by December 3, 2024

If you believe you were placed in the wrong Class Category due to your dog suffering from a more severe injury, you can challenge the category. You might be required to submit documentation to support your request to be moved to a different class category and to be entitled for additional compensation.

Object to the CLASS Settlement

by December 3, 2024


All Class Members who do not opt-out (“Participating Class Members”) can object to any aspect of the proposed Settlement. The Court’s decision whether to finally approve the Settlement will include a determination of how much will be paid to Class Counsel and Plaintiffs who pursued the Action on behalf of the Class. You are not personally responsible for any payments to Class Counsel or Plaintiffs, but every dollar paid to Class Counsel and Plaintiffs reduces the overall amount paid to Participating Class Members. You can object to the amounts requested by Class Counsel or Plaintiffs if you think they are unreasonable. See Section 8 of the Class Notice or FAQ 8.

Attend the Final Approval Hearing

January 9, 2025 at 11:00 a.m.

The Court’s Final Approval Hearing is scheduled to take place on January 9, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. You don’t have to attend but you do have the right to appear (or hire an attorney to appear on your behalf at your own cost), in person, by telephone or by using the Court’s virtual appearance platform. Participating Class Members can verbally object to the Settlement at the Final Approval Hearing. See Section 9 of the Class Notice or FAQ 9.

Dates and Deadlines

Exclusion Deadline

December 3, 2024

Challenge Deadline

December 3, 2024

Objection Deadline

December 3, 2024

Final Approval Hearing

January 9, 2025